Tooth staining
Ultracal XS and Bio-C® Temp had similar discoloration in the 60-day parameter, whereas MTA had significantly more discoloration. Bio-C® Temp showed the greatest discoloration after 45 days,followed by a rebound effect after 60 days. When the color change of the samples was compared from the initial evaluation time (T1) to the other experimental times(T30, T45, and T60), the control group, Ultracal XS, and MTA Flow had significant discoloration. At 30 days, only the Ultracal XS group differed significantly from the control group, while at 60 days, a significant difference from the control group was observed only in the MTA group.
Conclusion: Bio-C® Temp showed less color change than MTA Flow and Ultracal XS.
Conclusion: Although Bio-C Temp showed lower radiopacity than MTA Flow and Ultracal XS, it was still possible to identify it radiographically.