Case report:
A 13-year-old male patient came to the clinic with an avulsed tooth 12. The tooth remained outside the oral cavity for around 30 minutes and the storage medium was a saline solution. It was necessary to install a semi-rigid wire retainer after cleaning and repositioning the tooth. Following that, endodontic treatment was performed, with the intracanal medication of choice being BIO-C® Temp, and the follow-up was performed for 24 months.
The advantage of Bio-C Temp® over calcium hydroxide pastes is its low solubility, allowing it to remain in close contact with the canal walls for a longer period. The high continuous and gradual release of hydroxyl ions leads to a significant increase in the pH of the area (~12), making the environment unsuitable for bacterial growth. The choice of BIO-C® Temp was based on other in vitro studies in which this bioceramic material showed cytocompatibility, greater induction of alkaline phosphatase activity and mineralization potential when compared to other older materials on the market.
Final consideration:
The use of a calcium silicate-based material with important biological properties and a "ready-to-use" formulation could be a promising alternative as an intracanal medication for traumatized teeth.