Explore the scientific evidence that establishes the superior performance of BIO-C® TEMP

Exclusive features

Ready to use

No manipulation required


No post-operative pain due to the presence of salicylate

High radiopacity

Great radiographic visualization

The evolution of intracanal medication

Examine it in this interactive:

Low Solubility

BIO-C® Temp has low solubility as an advantage over calcium hydroxide pastes.

Penetration into dentinal tubules

BIO-C® Temp can chemically interact with Bio-C Sealer, resulting in the formation of a biomineralizing layer.

Hermetic and
three-dimensional filling

When compared to the competition, BIO-C® Temp has higher penetration values into dentinal tubules after ultrasonic activation.

Scientific papers

Find out about the proven properties of BIO-C® Temp and comparisons with some competitors, especially calcium hydroxide

A laboratory evaluation of cell viability, radiopacity and tooth discoloration induced by regenerative endodontic materials


Hepatic enzymes and immunoinflammatory response to BIO-C® Temp bioceramic intracanal medication implanted into the subcutaneous tissue of rats


Physicochemical and biological evaluation of endodontic filling materials for primary teeth


Utilização do BIO-C® Temp como medicação intracanal em tratamento de um dente permanente avulsionado e reimplantado tardiamente: relato de caso


Influence of bioceramic intracanal medication on the bond strength of bioceramic root canal sealer


Effect of ultrasonic activation on dentinal tubule penetration of BIO-C® Temp and Ultracal XS: A comparative CLSM Assessment.


Reports from specialists

Prof. Dr. Maria Antonieta Veloso and her colleagues

"We recommend BIO-C® TEMP not only for its actions but also because it is a ready-to-use product that is easy to insert into the root canal and has no painful symptoms, even when extruded through the apical foramen."

Prof. Dr. Kely Bruno

"BIO-C® TEMP has been widely used in dental trauma cases with the development of extensive lesions and tooth resorption. It is easy to apply and has shown a high repair rate in these clinical situations."

Prof. Renato Interliche

"BIO-C® TEMP can remain in root canals for 30 days without the need for renewal. As a result, this medication is extremely useful and practical in modern endodontics."

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